Monday, September 7, 2009

Sorry that I haven't blogged

In a while! I've been SUPER busy. I know that's a lame excuse but it's the truth! Work has been a good way. My friend Sierra and I have also initiated a S.A.P. That stands for Social Action Plan. We are trying to be more social with more people. We try to go to every activity at church and accept most social invitations. It's exhausting but necessary

I had the best weekend. Friday night was my friend's birthday so we had a surprise party for him. Then on Saturday me, Sierra, and Christine woke up bright and early to drive out to Canton for first Monday. We had a blast!!! We found so many treasures that we wanted to take home with us and somehow I ended up with 4 bricks of fudge. After that, we met up with everybody at the BYU/OU game. Our Bishop had a suite at the new Cowboy stadium. I also got to catch up with a lifetime family friend, Ben Decker, who was visiting from out of town. It was an intense game and BYU pulled through for the win! Hopefully I will get some pictures soon to post! My camera was dead :(!!! Church was also amazing! The lessons were what I needed to hear exactly! I love it when that happens! I feel that Heavenly Father knows exactly how to reach me and teach me what I need to know for this time in my life! 

Well, back to a busy week! I promise to update with some interesting adventures from my S.A.P soon!!!!


Kris and Libby Brown said...

Your camera is always dead

elizabeth said...

Libby's comment made me laugh.

Erin said...

Oh my gosh did you just LOVE Canton?! I'm so jealous...I really wanted to go this past weekend