Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I miss you this much!

Day 3 of the blogging challenge: Write about someone you miss.

This someone would be my best friend and sister, Libby. Here is a little ditty on why I love her so much.

-We are only 21 months apart. I don't remember a time without her, so we just as well should be twins.
-We were referred to, and sometimes still are, as "the little girls."
-She knows most of my secrets.
-She has been there for me when I have felt alone. 
-She makes me laugh more than anyone else.
-She will sing rap with me in an opera voice.
-She has been such a great example to me. I know I'm the older sister, but she really has become one of the best women I know.
-She's an amazing mom and wife. I always knew she was going to a great mom. She has wowed me with her patience, love and unconditional dedication to her kids and husband.

Why I miss her...I know I don't need to really explain this but she lives in Utah and that's far away from me. I hope and pray we can live by each other soon. Hopefully when I have my own family. 

Libby, I love you and you mean the world to me! I miss you everyday!

1 comment:

Toni said...

Awww!! Sisters & Besties. Love you both.